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How to buy vethor token (vtho)?

The cheapest way is to use bank account to buy Bitcoins first or to buy the VeThor Token right away. The fastest way is to use a credit card but you will then be charged higher fees. How to Protect VeThor Token (VTHO)?

What is the difference between vet and vtho?

In short, VET is used to pay all activities happening in the platform, such as sending or receiving money, ordering smart contracts, and such thing alike. VTHO as the gas token is important for paying data writing to the blockchain.

How to buy ETH-Ethereum?

Step 1: If you do not own ETH - Ethereum yet, you need to buy ETH through exchanges that accept credit, debit or bank transfer such as Coinbase, Bitfinex, Bitstamp, Kraken. If the exchange in the Step 2 accepts BTC, you may use BTC - Bitcoin instead of ETH. Step 3: Transfer your ETH, BTC to your account in the exchange you have just set up.

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